Check the current entry regulations* for your destination well in advance. This will give you enough time to ensure that your travel documents comply with the entry regulations at your destination or apply for any visa or travel permit you may need. It is your responsibility to find out this information and carry the necessary documents with you.
Passengers can enquire about the entry regulations at their destination country at the relevant embassy or consulate.
You can obtain detailed information about entry regulations, passport requirements and the latest changes on the Travel Regulations Infohub, located further down.
Entry regulations for various destinations
Entry regulations for the USA
Find out in good time about the entry regulations for the USA and check whether you meet the conditions for visa-free entry.
To the entry regulations for the USA
Entry regulations for Canada
Find out in good time about the entry regulations for Canada and apply directly for an electronic travel authorisation (eTA).
To the entry regulations for Canada
Entry within the Schengen Area
Here you can find information about the free movement of people within the European Schengen Area.
More about entry within the Schengen Area
Entry regulations for the UK
This is where you can find all you need to know about the entry regulations for the United Kingdom and how to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) or an eVisa.
More about entry regulations for the UK
Current Travel Regulations for your Journey
Entry regulations for specific countries may change at short notice.
Find the essential information in our Lufthansa Group TravelReady InfoHub about transiting or entering your destination country by providing your departure, transit and arrival airports.
Simply enter your departure, transit and destination airport here.
To the TravelReady InfoHub
Frequently asked questions about entry regulations
Find out in good time about the current entry regulations* at your destination. This will give you enough time to ensure that your travel documents comply with the entry regulations at your destination or apply for any visa or travel permit you may need. It is your responsibility to find out this information and carry the necessary documents with you.
Passengers can enquire about the entry regulations at their destination country at the relevant embassy or consulate.
You can obtain detailed information about entry regulations, passport requirements and the latest country changes from the IATA Travel Centre.
To the IATA Travel Centre
Your own country’s Foreign Office can also provide any travel information and safety advice you may need for your destination country.
German citizens can obtain information on the Federal Foreign Office website. Please note that visa, transit and entry regulations are specific to each country and can change at short notice.
To the Federal Foreign Office
Please be sure to find out about your destination’s identity document and visa requirements. The embassy of the country concerned or your travel agent can provide you with information.
When you receive your visa, check whether it is valid for the entire length of your stay. Different rules apply to animals, vehicles or cultural goods depending on the country with regard to entry and customs clearance.
The IATA Travel Centre provides a summary of the travel documents required for your destination country.
To the IATA Travel Centre
A visa is required for entry to many countries. Several countries, e.g. the USA, Canada and India, offer an electronic travel authorisation for certain nationalities to simplify entry.
The electronic travel authorisation must be applied for and issued before the start of your journey. Authorisation can take several days in particular countries.
You will find links for a few selected Lufthansa destinations below:
To electronic travel authorisation for the USA
To electronic travel authorisation for Canada
To electronic travel authorisation for India
To electronic travel authorisation for the United Kingdom
Airlines are obliged to transfer passenger data to the authorities. They do so via the Advance Passenger Information System (APIS).
Authorities in some countries, such as the USA and Russia, also require the transfer of passenger data from flights that cross their territory.
You are obliged to provide complete and correct information to the authorities. You can record this in advance on If you are unable to do so, this data will be collected during the check-in process.
Enter my API data
Specific regulations apply in some countries to the entry or exit of minors who are travelling unaccompanied or accompanied by only one parent or one other adult. Countries such as Brazil, South Africa, Spain, Portugal and Italy, for example, require a signed consent form from the parents.
Enquire in good time at the consulate concerned whether and which documents are required for your child’s entry and exit country. Entry or exit can be refused if any documents are missing or incorrect.
More information about unaccompanied children
To the checklist for unaccompanied children
* Lufthansa always endeavours to provide you with the latest information. However, entry regulations are official requirements outside the airline’s discretion. Since entry regulations are constantly changing in individual countries, Lufthansa accepts no liability for the accuracy of the information provided.
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