Significantly more space and comfort – for your totally personal travel experience. In Lufthansa Allegris Premium Economy Class you can look forward to a certain something extra. Sit back and discover your personal feel-good area.
Premium Economy Class sets new standards
Lufthansa Allegris Premium Economy Class

More privacy
More comfort
More Room
To sit backand feel good
Great entertainment at great altitudes
Award-winning movies. Enthralling series for a TV marathon. And a huge selection of music, audiobooks, and podcasts. Above the clouds you can look forward to a world of excitement, fun, and romance – all on a 15.6-inch monitor in 4K quality.

A special audio experience
Whether you prefer rock, pop, classical, or jazz, simply choose your favorite music from the inflight entertainment, or dive into one of our exciting audiobooks. Thanks to high-quality, noise-canceling headphones, you can look forward to a very special audio experience above the clouds.
Energy for your journey
Whether wireless, via USB, or power socket, charging your devices has never been so easy.