Discount on PCR services for Lufthansa travelers from Kuwait

Lufthansa German Airlines in Kuwait has teamed up with Jarallah German Specialized Clinic to offer Lufthansa travelers flying from Kuwait, discounts on a range of PCR testing services.
The offer can also be applied on the below list of services provided by Jarallah,
- Less than 24 hours result SARS-CoV-2-PCR
- Less than 24 hours result Drive Through SARS-CoV-2-PCR
- 12 hours result SARS-CoV-2-PCR
- SARS-COV- 2lgG & lgM
- Indeterminierte result
The offer is now available in Jarallah participating locations, throughout Kuwait. To receive the discount, passengers are only asked to present their upcoming Lufthansa booking along with their passport and Civil ID.
Kindly note that Lufthansa travelers would only be granted one discounted PCR service per booking.
Jarallah participating locations in Kuwait
a. Jarallah German Specialized Clinic, PCR-Department (Ground Floor).
Dental Studio Building, PCR-Department (Basement).
Hawali, Intersection 3th Ring Road with Cairo Street, Contact: +96567773390
b. Mahboula Clinic
Mahboula, Block2, Street 20 Mermaid Medical Center, 1St Floor, Villa 110, Top Clinic Contact: +96565615178
Closed on : Friday and Saturday
c. Jarallah German Jahra
Al Jahra, Block 4, Al-Haramain Complex, Opposite the National School Girlls, 1St Floor Contact: +96565910638
Closed on : Friday and Saturday