Carriage of dangerous goods
Electronic devices and batteries -
Gas -
Mercury -
Flammable liquids -
Flammable objects -
The list of prohibited items is not exhaustive and can be extended at any time. For certain flights, additional regulations may apply. In addition, national regulations and the IATA (International Air Transport Association) Dangerous Goods Regulations must be observed. A copy of these regulations is available from the airline on request.
Electronic devices and batteries
Personal electronic devices and batteries are considered to be dangerous goods. This is because, if damaged, they can generate heat, short-circuit and catch fire. You will find detailed information regarding your personal electronic devices and batteries here.
Radio-isotopic cardiac pacemakers or other devices, including implanted devices, that are powered by lithium batteries.
Only permitted on one’s person.
Carrier’s approval required: no
Diving/snorkelling equipment can contain hazardous material, e.g. in compressed air cylinders or underwater lamps.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: no
Carrier’s approval required: no
- Compressed air cylinders must be empty with the valves open.
- For devices powered by lithium batteries: the requirements and restrictions for this type of battery must be observed.
Small gaseous oxygen cylinders or air cylinders for medical use.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: no
Carrier’s approval required: yes*
- Maximum pressure: 200 bar and maximum gross weight 5 kg per cylinder.
- Cylinders may be used on board Lufthansa flights.
- They must be transported in manufacturer-approved outer packaging that protects the outlet valve.
- Worldwide: chemical oxygen generators.
- For flights to/from/via the USA: gaseous oxygen cylinders
- On flights operated by Lufthansa Regional.
- Personal oxygen canisters (‘canned oxygen’)
* This permission is not given in writing. It is given upon request and confirmed verbally at the Service Centre or, at the latest, when checking in at the airport.
Small gas cylinders worn for the operation of mechanical limbs. Also spare cylinders of a similar size, if required to ensure an adequate supply for the duration of the journey.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
- Gas cylinders for the preparation of soda water or similar products
Small gas cartridges containing carbon dioxide or other gas listed in Hazard Class 2.2, e.g. suitable for self-inflating life jackets, espuma bottles or for inflating tyres.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: yes*
Rules for life jackets and similar safety devices:
- Life jackets and similar safety devices:
- Maximum of two items per passenger
- Maximum of two replacement cartridges per item
- Other items:
- No more than four cartridges
- Up to 50 millilitres per cartridge
Note: in the case of carbon dioxide, a gas cartridge with a water capacity of 50 ml is equivalent to a 28 g cartridge.
* This approval is not given in writing. It is given upon request and confirmed verbally at the Service Center or, at the latest, when checking in at the airport.
Small medical or clinical thermometers for personal use that contain mercury.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: no
Carrier’s approval required: no
- The thermometer must be carried in a protective case.
- Only one per passenger is allowed.
Thermometer containing mercury.
Checked baggage: no
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: yes*
- Mercury thermometers may only be carried by representatives of a government weather bureau or similar official agency.
- The thermometer must be packed in a strong outer container, having a sealed inner liner or a bag of strong, leak-proof and puncture-resistant material impervious to mercury, which will prevent the escape of mercury from the package irrespective of its position.
* This permission is not given in writing. It is given upon request and confirmed verbally at the Service Centre or, at the latest, when checking in at the airport.
Barometers containing mercury.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: yes*
- Mercury barometers may only be carried by representatives of a government weather bureau or similar official agency.
- The barometer must be packed in a strong outer container, having a sealed inner liner or a bag of strong, leak-proof and puncture-resistant material impervious to mercury, which will prevent the escape of mercury from the package irrespective of its position.
* This permission is not given in writing. It is given upon request and confirmed verbally at the Service Centre or, at the latest, when checking in at the airport.
Flammable liquids
Non-infectious specimens/samples packed with small quantities of flammable liquids, e.g. specimens of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects and other invertebrates, placed in a strong outer packaging with suitable cushioning material.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
Fuel cell systems and spare fuel cartridges for powering portable electronic devices, such as cameras, mobile phones, laptop computers and camcorders. The devices must be securely packed. Lithium batteries are not permitted.
Checked baggage: no
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
- A maximum of two per passenger is allowed.
- Fuel cell systems must be marked by the manufacturer with “Approved for carriage in aircraft cabin only” and with the manufacturer’s certification that the system conforms to IEC PAS 62282-6-1 Ed. 1 specifications.
- The fuel cells must not recharge the electronic device when the device is not in use.
- Each fuel cell cartridge must be marked with the manufacturer’s certification that it conforms to IEC PAS 62282-6-1 Ed. 1 specifications, also stating the maximum quantities and type of cartridge.
- Fuel cells may only contain flammable liquids, corrosive substances, liquefied gases, water-reactive substances or hydrogen in metal hydride.
- Fuel cell refills or fuel cell systems whose only function is to charge a battery in the device are not permitted.
- Refuelling of fuel cells on board is not permitted, except for the insertion of a spare cartridge.
Maximum quantities for each fuel cell cartridge:
- For liquids: 200 ml
- For solids: 200 g
- for liquefied gases: 120 ml for non-metallic cartridges or 200 ml for metallic fuel cell cartridges
- for hydrogen in metal hydride: a water capacity not exceeding 120 ml
Flammable objects
Safety matches (a small pack) or a small lighter which does not contain unabsorbed liquid fuel other than liquefied gas, intended for personal use.
Checked baggage: no
Carry-on baggage: yes, but only on the person (not in carry-on baggage)
Carrier’s approval required: no
- Lighter fuel
- Lighter refills
- "Strike anywhere" matches
- "Blue Flame" lighters or cigar lighters
- Lighters powered by a lithium battery without a safety cap or other security mechanisms against unintentional activation
Note: Maximum of one small packet of safety matches or one lighter per person. In some countries, e.g. India, it is forbidden to carry matches or lighters of any kind.
Permeation devices for calibrating air quality monitoring systems.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: no
Carrier’s approval required: no
Insulated packaging which contains cooled liquid nitrogen fully absorbed in a porous material and which is intended for transport at low temperature (‘dry shipper’) and used for non-dangerous products that are not subject to the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
- The design of the insulated packaging must not allow the build-up of pressure within the container.
- The release of any cooled liquid nitrogen is not permitted, irrespective of the orientation of the insulated packaging.
- Hairsprays
- Perfumes and colognes
- Medicines containing alcohol
- The total net quantity of all such items carried by a passenger must not exceed 2 kg or 2 litres per person in checked baggage and carry-on baggage combined.
- The net quantity of each single article must not exceed 0.5 kg or 0.5 litres.
Note: see also "Aerosols"
Aerosols for sporting and for personal use. The contents must not be flammable or toxic.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
- Release valves on aerosols must be protected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent the inadvertent escape of their contents.
- Per passenger, the total net quantity carried must not exceed 2 kg or 2 litres (aerosols and toiletries), and the net quantity per container must not exceed 0.5 kg or 0.5 litres.
Note: see also "Medicinal and toiletry items"
Curling tongs containing hydrocarbon gas.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
- Only one set of curling tongs per passenger.
- Curling tongs must not be used on board at any time.
- The safety cover must be securely fitted over the heating element.
- Gas refills for such curling tongs are not permitted in either checked or carry-on baggage.
Solid dry ice (carbon dioxide) is not subject to these regulations when used to pack perishables.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: yes*
- The maximum per passenger is 2.5 kg.
- The packaging must permit the release of carbon dioxide gas.
- Each item of checked baggage containing dry ice must be labelled with the additional tag ‘Dry Ice’.
Note: passengers using this exemption are limited to a maximum of 2.5 kg in carry-on and checked baggage combined.
* This permission is not given in writing. It is given upon request and confirmed verbally at the Service Centre or, at the latest, when checking in at the airport.
When carried by staff members of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) travelling on official business.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: no
Carrier’s approval required: yes*
* This permission is not given in writing. It is given upon request and confirmed verbally at the Service Centre or, at the latest, when checking in at the airport.
Special regulations apply to the transportation of sporting and hunting firearms and ammunition.
Several firearms can be booked per passenger.
Check in with this baggage at least 120 minutes before departure. Register the transportation of firearms or ammunition with our Service Centre at an early stage.
Passengers are solely responsible for complying with the customs regulations, for the import licence as well as other required documents. This applies both to entering a country and to travelling through it.
In the case of the Lufthansa Group airlines, ammunition must be booked separately as "AMMO" in accordance with the latest IATA standard. Other airlines may not yet be using this standard and may only accept bookings without the separate "AMMO" element.
Each firearm must be packed in a secured and unloaded state in a locked transport container intended for this purpose. Several firearms are permitted per transport container.
A maximum of 5 kg of ammunition of the 1.4S, UN 0012 or UN 0014 categories is permitted per passenger. The ammunition must be packed, separate from the firearm, in a rigid container made of wood, metal or fibreboard. This container protects the ammunition from shock, movement and accidental self-detonation. The ammunition must be packed in a lockable ammunition crate on flights to and from South Africa.
- Domestic: EUR 70
- Europe: EUR 80
- Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia: EUR 100
- Medium intercontinental routes: EUR 200
- Long intercontinental routes: EUR 250
Based on local security measures, an additional airport fee for firearms will always be charged for departures in South Africa USD 80, Italy up to EUR 90 (depending on the airport), Spain EUR 60, Turkey EUR 30, Zurich (CHF 55) and Geneva (CHF 200 or CHF 250 earlier than two hours before departure).
The transportation of firearms to and from London Heathrow (LHR), Aberdeen (ABZ), Edinburgh (EDI), Inverness (INV) and Glasgow (GLA) is forbidden. Please choose another airport in London or Great Britain if you want to take your licensed sporting or hunting firearms with you.
Information about carriage
- Only sporting and hunting firearms, handguns and rifles plus securely boxed ammunition (cartridges for firearms) belonging to Hazard Class 1.4S.
- Checked baggage: yes (N.B.: separate reservations required for the weapon and the ammunition)
- Carry-on baggage: no
- On the person: no
- Carrier’s permission required: yes (This permission is not given in writing. It is given upon request and confirmed verbally at the Service Center or, at the latest, when checking in at the airport.)
- Weapons and ammunition must be packed in different bags in accordance with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. If necessary, a special luggage box must be used to separate both items from each other.
- Weapons must be unloaded.
- Ammunition carried in passenger aircraft must be for personal use for sporting and/or hunting purposes only.
- Only ammunition classified as 1.4S, UN0012 or UN0014 will be accepted.
- Each passenger may carry a maximum of 5 kg gross of ammunition (must be weighed) for their own personal use.
- Ammunition must be securely packaged, i.e. in standard commercial packaging.
- Ammunition with explosive or incendiary projectiles.
- Black powder may not be transported under any circumstances.
Please note, however, that it is not possible to book the Lufthansa Express Bus.
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
- In retail packaging, containing more than 24% but less than 70% alcohol by volume
- In receptacles not exceeding 5 litres
- The total net quantity per passenger is 5 litres
Note: there is no restriction for alcoholic beverages that contain 24% or less alcohol by volume; this also applies to small beer kegs (party kegs) as these are not under high pressure. This does not include pressurised barrels or bottles with carbon dioxide or similar gas, as used in catering.
Checked baggage: no
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
Parachutes with pyrotechnic automatic activation device (AAD), e.g. CYPRES AAD
Checked baggage: yes
Carry-on baggage: yes
Carrier’s approval required: no
- Written documentation from an authorised national authority must be brought along, which must include details of the automatic activation device (AAD), as well as confirmation that the device is not classified as dangerous goods.