Two sleeping people in an airplane, the woman resting on the man's shoulder while the sunlight streams through the window.

All It Takes Is a Yes: 5 Reasons to Say Yes More Often

Our lives are full of decisions, with a big yes marking every important fork in the road: that first jump from the ten-meter tower, the first marathon, moving to another city, or traveling to a new country. So why is it that almost every piece of advice tells us how important it is to say no more often? Of course we have to draw boundaries from time to time. You can't accept every new challenge, or you'll end up overextending yourself. However, real change rarely starts with a shake of the head. Saying yes may mean taking a leap into the unknown, but when you land, new experiences, adventures, countries, and people await you. 

You can see what your next year full of travel, new impressions, and exciting adventures with Lufthansa could look like here in the video, and we reveal five more reasons why it is always worth saying yes more often in life. 


1. Increase Adaptability 

Our brains are more malleable than many believe, even in adulthood. This is neuroplasticity, which is promoted when you involve yourself in new experiences. For example, those who travel frequently and have to find their way around new places will find it easier to get their bearings. 

A blonde woman with long hair is sitting in the airplane, looking directly into the camera and her face is illuminated by the sun through the window.

2. Become More Resilient 

Comfort zone sounds, well, comfortable. However, rarely or even never leaving what is familiar leads to inertia. The more often you step out of your comfort zone and say yes to new challenges – such as traveling to a country whose language you don't speak – the more resilient you will become. More robust mental health means that stress and uncertainty are less able to affect you. 

3. Strengthen Friendships 

Constant rejection frustrates the other person. People who constantly answer in the negative will eventually stop being asked to do things together. On the other hand, responding positively to your friend's suggestions and wishes strengthens your social bond. Saying yes signals empathy and a willingness to cooperate. Trust grows and relationships become deeper. Our tip: agree to a trip with friends, because few things forge a bond like getting on a plane together and exploring the world as a team. 

4. Bubble Over with Ideas 

Openness to new experiences goes hand in hand with increased creativity. By saying yes more often, you stimulate divergent thinking, which is an experimental and – in the best sense – unsystematic approach to problems. New ideas and offbeat solutions start with a yes. 

5. Think More Positively 

Saying yes more often, even if you have to force yourself from time to time, has an effect on your basic attitude to life. You cultivate a positive outlook, which leads to more satisfaction and better mental health. Always seeing hurdles holds you back. Saying yes creates space for personal growth. 

A young man with short red curls and a striped sweater is sitting on the plane wearing headphones.

Find Flights and Say Yes to New Adventures

Have you been tempted to say “yes” to a new adventure? Then you'll find the right destinations to discover the world in all its dazzling facets with Lufthansa: from a trip with friends to the Eternal City of Rome, which will deepen your relationship for eternity, to a trip to Rio de Janeiro, whose colorful joie de vivre is sure to inspire your creativity, to exploring the twenty-million-strong metropolis of Mumbai, whose hustle and bustle and cultural diversity is a challenge for many visitors, but will reward them with a unique experience they’ll cherish for life.  

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Five Things About Lufthansa That Will Surprise You

From SoHo to Brooklyn: 10 tips for New York Fashion Week 2025

Fashion Week in New York City is simply irresistible for fashion lovers like Lufthansa flight attendant Bourtsin Kioutsouk. Here she reveals how she draws inspiration from New York Fashion Week.