Invoice Issuance

Dear Customer,
We would like to inform you that Lufthansa can only issue invoices for tickets purchased in Polish Zloty (PLN) and only for journeys commencing in Poland.
Invoices can be issued just after purchasing the tickets.
If the journey starts in other country than Poland and you wish to receive an invoice for purchasing the ticket, you need to book and purchase the ticket through our Customer Service Desk calling the number +48 22 512 3917.
If the ticket is sold in the currency other than PLN you may only receive a receipt.
We do not issue invoices for tickets purchased through Miles & More programme.
We do not issue invoices for Rail & Fly service.
Please write us an e-mail containing the following:
Passenger Data:
- First Name(s) and Surname(s) to appear on the invoice
- Number of ticket (s)
- Booking number
- E-mail address of the contact person
Company Data:
- Full name of the company or first name and last name
- Street
- ZIP-Code
- City
- Country
- Invoice for ticket / change / annulation
- E-mail address to receive an electronic copy of the invoice
Please send your request to following E-Mail address and use the subject "Invoice request Poland":
Please be aware that only invoice requests are processed under this E-Mail address. All other topics that do not relate to invoice reqeust are not being answered under the given E-Mail adress.
The requested invoice receipt will be sent to provided email address.
Lufthansa German Airlines Poland